Frequently Asked Questions

Which countries do you ship to?

We happily support shipping across the continental US, to Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Norway, New Zealand, Ireland, Italy, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, and Ukraine.

Not seeing your country listed? Reach out and we'll see if we can accommodate you.


I forgot to enter in my discount code, what do I do?

Contact Us, and we will reimburse you for the amount you would have received off with your discount. 


When will my package be shipped?

Orders may take up to 10 business days to be processed, packaged, and shipped out to you. Please allow additional time if it is during the busy holiday season.


How long until I receive my order?

We offer free, complimentary shipping and tracking on all of our products. Orders may be delivered in up to 15-45 business days. Please allow additional time if it is during the busy holiday season.


How do I track my package?

Complimentary tracking will be sent to you by email once your item is shipped out, up to 10 business days after you placed your order. You can also utilize our Track Your Order page as well.


I accidentally deleted the email with my tracking code. What do I do?

No problem! Just message us through our Contact Us page, and we will get it for you. 


Why was only one of my packages sent so far?

In an effort to get your products to you as quickly as possible, we do not wait until all the items are ready to go together, but ship each individual item as soon as it is good to go.


Why did my tracking number stop working?

If you are buying from outside the US, particularly in Canada, this may be due to your custom's department putting a temporary hold on your package. They tend to take a long time to resolve holds, so to remedy this, we suggest calling them directly and asking them to release your items.


How do I return an item?

Get in touch with us through our Contact Us page and we will walk you through the process. We offer a 60 day money-back guarantee on any items that arrive damaged or defective. However, we do occasionally make exceptions to this, so please let us know about your issue and we will be happy to help you! You can read more about returns on our Refunds and Returns Policy page.


What is the store's history?

This cute online site was started back in 2019. Over the years it has gone through many changes, including a name change and store split. With the virality of my fleece tights, I thought it best to focus on clothing and give the site a more fitting name. The old website became Fleece Chic, a boutique for women who want to look classy while staying cozy in warm fleece wear. My focus on helping women live better, easier lives moved with the original name Living a Sweeter Life to this new site. Here, I continue with my passion to offer women practical advice and encouragement through my helpful blog posts, adulting printables, and How to Adult book.


Where are you based out of?

Living a Sweeter Life is currently based out of Alabama, USA. 


Where do you get your products?

We create the ideas and content for the majority of our products. All other items are those we source from different artisans across the globe while hunting to find the best mix of quality and affordability to offer you the finest of both.


How do you choose which products to sell? 

It's very important to us that what we offer you is something we would use ourselves. That's why we create products we think would positively benefit someone's life, including our own. Then we personally try and test the majority of these items ourselves or give them away to friends and family. This way, we know that what we're offering you is a quality item, and you know you can shop confidently with us as these products are something we would give to our own loved ones.


Are you on social media?


Let's make our new friendship "official" by getting connected on Instagram and 
Facebook. Follow us to see our latest blog posts, life hacking products, and for encouragement and motivation. While you're there, take a picture of yourself with your favorite new product and tag us to be featured! 

Are you a big Pinterest fan? Visit our boards for tons more information and ideas on how you can live an easier, better life.


What if I need help with something else not mentioned here?

We care about our customers and their experience with us! Please reach out through our Contact Us page with any questions or concerns you have. You can expect a response from us within 24 hours. 

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